You should be turning two today.
You should be eating cake.
You should be opening presents today.
You should be yelling out my name.
You should be running around today.
You should be giggling and laughing and playing.
You should be getting into everything today.
You should be celebrating.
You should be here with us today and everyday there after.

Instead, you are just a presence.
A shadow just out of reach.
A gentle touch that you wish to feel.
You are the whisper of the wind.
The melody of the birds.
The warmth of the sun.
The smell of the flowers.
The energy of life.
The laugh of your sisters.
The twinkling of wind chimes.
The taste of birthday cake.

You should be smiling with all of us today.
I hope you are smiling down on us...for you should be two today.
Happy birthday sweet girl, you are so missed.
Sloane Elizabeth Swanton
March 5, 2020 - September 14, 2021